04 Dec 2020

Ming Pao Weekly (vol 2716)

We always find joy reading and re-reading the anniversaries feature in Ming Pao Weekly (vol 2716). Wahyanites, for almost a century, we serve, we

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08 Oct 2020

Smart Parents (vol. 542)

As Wahyanites, we serve, we excel, and we are Men for and with Others!  Check out the latest Cover Story of Smart Parents

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23 Jun 2020

Kung Kao Po, vol. 3983

In this 95th anniversary year, WYK is featured in the latest issue of Kung Kau Po.  The story covers elements of the quintessential Jesuit

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04 Apr 2019

九龍華仁從編程教起 改革ICT課程

轉載自晴報2019年4月4日 九龍華仁書院明年開始推出校本的電腦課程,教授由編碼程式、虛擬實境(VR)、擴增實境(AR)等一系列電腦及科技應用知識,培育學生利用科技優化生活的需要。校長相信多互動、多網絡上的學習模式,能夠吸引男孩子投入參與,保持學習興趣,達到自主學習的目的。

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