Be a Self-directed Learner; Be a Caring and Respectful Companion (2017-18)
2017-18 marks my fifth year as the Principal of Wah Yan and to me, every new academic year is still endowed with anticipation, excitement and expectations. Our vast green campus rises and shines once again with the buzz of the reinvigorated spirit of Wahyanites, filling our school life with vitality, exultation and aspirations. We shall sustain this colossal amount of stamina throughout the whole academic year!
At Wah Yan, our spirit is Magis and we aim to be better today than we were yesterday, and we shall be better tomorrow than we are today. Emboldened by the spirit of Magis, our vision of education is to nurture Men of Human Excellence and form Men for and with Others, men who care for and work with others. Our foci shed light on nurturing lifelong and self-directed learning capabilities and fostering whole-person development. To rise to challenges and embrace the future, our Ignatian Educators have collaborated to contrive the School Development Plan for the coming three years, with three Major Concerns: 1) To form self-directed and reflective learners, with attributes of competence, commitment, creativity and cultural curiosity; 2) To strengthen students’ character formation within a positive learning community that encompasses compassion, respect, collaboration, conscience and reconciliation; 3) To enhance school facilities to support student learning and development.
The School Development Plan (2017-2020) is the second development plan at my helm, and is the furtherance of the first plan, which has initiated our process of Renewal and led us to venture forth to the promised land, carrying our heritage while moving together to a new horizon. Over the past four years, we have witnessed betterment and breakthroughs in various areas, and in 2017, eight of our F.6 graduates were admitted to the medical schools of the University of Hong Kong and the Chinese University of Hong Kong. Nevertheless, we have wound up on the edge of the Red Sea and could we cross the sea?
Only through a concerted effort can we cross the sea and set off to greener pastures, and Wahyanites are expected to take more responsibility for their learning, set learning objectives and become masters of their own learning. The role of our Ignatian Educators is of the utmost importance as we serve as facilitators who inspire our Wahyanites to unlock their potential. Learning leaps beyond the classroom or the examination, as Jesuit education aims to foster whole-person development through character formation and engagement in co-curricular activities, empowering
Wahyanites to internalize attributes of Human Excellence and a fervent heart for service on our life joumey. We live as we ought to live, with purpose and passion, and learn to collaborate with others, always staying humble and positive.
Wah Yan College, Kowloon is approaching the 95th Anniversary while Wah Yan College, Hong Kong is celebrating a key milestone of Centenary. The theme of celebrations is set as Transcending 100 and the three objectives, Service, Renewal and Companionship, reflect our core values.
Wahyanites, let’s move together to a new horizon and create our own legacy, as we shall change the world from here!
Warren CHUNG