Winter Deep Water Polo Championships 2023
Three cheers for our Water Polo Team! Mainly comprised of Grades C and B players, our team managed to emerge as the 1st runner up and snatch the silver medal at the Winter Deep Water Polo Championships 2023.
This is the best result since our team’s establishment in 2008-09, and is a strong boost to the team spirit of, essentially, all sportsmen in WYK. As our School Prayer goes: “Be with me in my disappointments and sufferings, so that I may have strength to overcome my problems and accept my pain with courage and cheerfulness.”
Our Water Polo Team finally made a major breakthrough – with not only strength, tactics and teamwork, but most importantly resilience and tenacity. From here, our promising young players are set to make waves in more water polo games!
The Winter Deep Water Polo Championships 2023 was organised by the Hong Kong China Swimming Association and subvented by the Leisure and Cultural Services Department.