Speech Day 2020
Last year, the academic year of 2019-20 passed like a solar eclipse, and regular school was disrupted in one way or another – especially for our S.6 gentlemen; almost the whole of their final year receded into class suspension.
On 20 November, we eventually had a chance to reunite with Class 2020 on this very campus, and saw their smiling faces again at this very Speech Day. We were very honoured to have Professor Bernard V. LIM, a distinguished figure in architecture, who is also an alumnus of Class 1974, as our Guest of Honour, celebrating this happy occasion with us, sharing words of wisdom as a Wahyanite, with the Wahyanites.
Our warmest congratulations again to our Class of 2020, who, in the toughest year, gave the strongest performance. Especially in times of adversity, they fared well in carefully administering varied doses of hope and despair. We hope that as our graduates set off for the pursuit of infinite possibilities, they can always make a better choice for the greater good of the world and greater glory of God.