Sneak Peek of the Centenary
Established in 1924, Wah Yan College, Kowloon is embracing its Centenary in November 2024.
At the sneak peek on 13 May 2023, the school announced the Centenary theme “蒙恩百載 格致傳薪 WYK 100 ‧ Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam” and rolled out the Heritage Development Project with a showcase of selected heritage items in the newly renovated School Hall. It was a pleasure to welcome back alumni of different generations – some were graduated as early as in the 1950s. We all relished sharing the interesting tidbits about the history of the school, and looked forward to the Centenary in a year’s time.
In preparation of the Centenary, we are now calling for support from Wahyanites and friends – if you have a talent for design (or are in the design profession), or have a heritage item to share with your alma mater, please join us!
For details, check out: https://wyk.edu.hk/into-the-centenary