S6 Last Day
This year’s S6 cohort has faced a stern test of reality – especially when the pandemic brought their school life to a halt almost three years ago, and their senior years seemed to be gone without a trace. On 10 June 2022, as they returned taller and stronger on campus for the very “Last Day” that we insisted on rescheduling for them after the HKDSE exams, we were impressed and touched by how much they had matured as they delivered their farewell speeches.
We are confident that our young gentlemen will strive to be the salt and the light for the world in times of uncertainty – whether you choose to stay or venture overseas, we are still as one, excelling and serving in the name of Wah Yan.
No matter where you are or where you are going, we will always be delighted to welcome you back home at 56 Waterloo Road– a place where your hearts belong.