S.6 Last Day & Thanksgiving Mass
For our Class 2021, the situation might be a little tougher as regular learning has been disrupted for almost two years in a row – we did not see one another much in these two years, especially when they were in S.5, but in a snap, it’s already 2021 and we are sending them off to the HKDSE Examination.
A Thanksgiving Mass was dedicated to them on their last day of school on 26 February, in which our School Chaplain Fr. LEUNG, Supervisor Fr. CHOW, and Principal CHUNG shared words of wisdom that help them walk their everyday life with confidence and integrity, and steer clear of the uncertain and volatile future.
Our dear S.6 gentlemen, when you are feeling low, bear in mind that it is always the darkest before the dawn. With faith and hope, you shall conquer, and rise – like the epitome of a Wahyanite – in adversity. Create new possibilities because, essentially, you are the future.
Our best wishes to you all, and your alma mater will always be here for you. In hoc signo vinces!