Opening Ceremony of Language Centre and Biotech Hub
We are very pleased to announce the official opening of the newly renovated Language Centre and Biotech Hub on 29 June 2024 – thanks to the generous donations from our Class of 1972, who has never failed in supporting their alma mater in serving the noble cause of education.
Formerly known as the Common Room, the Language Centre is reconfigured into a modern and immersive space for language learning and cultural exchange. It could also serve as a workspace for professional dialogue and consultation between members of the school community.
The Biotech Hub is fully equipped with advanced equipment including the Micro-Volume Spectrophotometer and Imaging System, and students have the advantage of working with them in a professional biotech environment conducive to the learning of, as well as research in topics like genetic engineering, bacterial culture, forensic science. From this we hope to maximise students’ learning potential in not only the DSE curriculum, but also investigative projects, biotech workshops, and international biotech competitions.
Again, we would like to express our deepest gratitude to the Class of 1972, who was among the first who showed support when the Fr Kelly fundraising campaign was initiated in 2022. Their kindness and generosity mean a lot to their alma mater and the future generations of Wahyanites.