Message from the Principal – Christmas & New Year
Much as the pandemic entails a bleak and grim outlook for this festive season, we still have to celebrate Christmas – not in the sense of any extravagant celebration, but the celebration of what Christmas is truly about.
The lingering pandemic reminds us that Jesus was also born in times of darkness. However, His birth pierced through the darkness and despair, and brought people a ray of hope.
Wahyanites, our fine young gentlemen, we believe that you are the light – and all luminous in your centre-stage presence as Men for and with Others, giving hope and serving those in need with a warm heart.
So, take a crumb of joy of the season, find meanings in your every encounter in life, and always polish your skills and knowledge in search of higher ideals – for the greater glory of God.
Merry Christmas!
Please click here for the Principal’s Christmas and New Year Message.