International Genetically Engineered Machine (iGEM) Competition 2024
Congratulations to our team on winning the Silver Award (High School category) at the International Genetically Engineered Machine (iGEM) Competition.
Our project targeted on treating cardiovascular diseases by producing a supplement with protein from ginseng in bacteria. Competing against over 400 university and high school teams from over 44 countries, our joint-school team eventually bagged the Silver Award and we presented our project at the Paris Expo in 2024.
Although it was our first year dipping our toe in the field of synthetic biology, which was all new to us, our iGEM team persevered by adhering to the love for biotechnology and the ideal of benefiting humanity. By living out the spirit of MAGIS, we shall continue to learn and improve, believing that our efforts could lead to hopeful solutions to global issues in the future.
The iGem competition is a global synthetic biology competition that aims to solve health problems by genetic engineering.
Photos by: iGem 2024 & WYK