Grant Schools Council Prayer Chain for the HKDSE 2022
Just three months into 2022, schools have started the spring term with a jolt against the obscure backdrop of the lingering pandemic. As an anti-pandemic measure in a bid to contain the Omicron/Delta situation, schools are to reshuffle the entire calendar in the second term and even arrange the summer holidays in March through April.
2022 has proven itself to be no less challenging than the previous years for us all – educators, parents, students, and especially the graduating classes who have been working hard over the past six years crusading for the universities of their choices in pursuit of their aspirations.
To our “DSE fighters”, we are sending you our best wishes. I believe our kindhearted companions will also join us in this Prayer Chain initiated by the Grant Schools Council* (GSC). Our Wah Yan community members are most welcome to pray with us, in particular, on 22 April, 2, 13 & 14 May. For details, please refer to the attached Prayer Chain Calendar or click the link http://gsc.edu.hk/news.html.
Let us keep our S.6 students in earnest prayers. May God bless us with good health. In faith, we shall conquer with grit and resilience – after all, we are Wahyanites. In hoc signo vinces.
*Grant Schools refer to 22 traditional prestigious schools that received grants according to the Grant Code (Cap 279C) before 1 April 1973.