Blessings from Father General on WYHK 100th and WYK 95th Anniversaries
Notwithstanding a humble start a hundred years ago – from a fledgling school of just two teachers and some 20 students, transcending into two of the leading Jesuit boys’ schools, locally and internationally – with a cherished history of nurturing men for and with others for almost a century, Wah Yan College, Hong Kong, and Wah Yan College, Kowloon are celebrating their 100th and 95th anniversaries this year.
On this momentous occasion, we are honoured to receive blessings from Father General Arturo Sosa, S.J. from the fullness of His grace.
As we celebrate amid the signs of the times, we shall always keep in mind that our anniversaries never happen as an independent event – it is the culmination of determination, courage and vision of our predecessors, synthesized with the effort made by the same visionary, courageous and determined succeeding generations. In the next century and beyond, we shall continue nurturing men of human excellence and forming men for and with others, with vision, courage and determination, while upholding our distinctive WahYan-esque values.